Thursday, September 17, 2015

Review of The Great Apocalypse by author Daniel Thompson

This book truly satisfied my love of beautiful writing with an engaging story and fully-developed complicated characters. The author writes with clarity, concisely and yet with excellent examples at the beginning of each chapter. To provide the in-depth explanation to his readers, he also includes many interesting and delightful illustrations.

The plot consists of a mixture of history, religion, mystery, and philosophy as well as ethical reasoning and compassion which are, unfortunately, diminishing in today’s world. But there is also a beautiful sparkle of hope behind every scene. As the author states, “The predicted events may not happen in one’s lifetime. Yet, the idea of a higher power reviling hidden knowledge, on letting us in on a heavenly secret, does much to help us to combat the desperate notion that we are insignificant beings in an uncaring universe.” 

I usually don’t read books more than once, but I'm glad I have this book as I will certainly read it again. “The Great Apocalypse” informs, entertains and sustains.

        About the Author 

Daniel Thompson is a microtonal composer and the author of The Great Apocalypse, the first book of the Sparlock of the Multiverse Trilogy. His stories often take the form of philosophical thought experiments that challenge some of our most cherished assumptions.

His life has taught him much about the conflict between faith and reason. Growing up in a Jehovah's Witness household, he became an ordained minister at the age of ten. Much of his youth and early adulthood has been spent giving Bible sermons and preaching in remote parts of the United States including Northern Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and the Badlands region of South Dakota. He may have even knocked on your door. If so, he apologizes for disturbing you.

Eventually, his desire to lead a rational, productive, and moral life led to conflicts with the arbitrary demands of his religion. He officially resigned his membership and was subjected to their institutionalized shunning policy that forbids current members from associating with former members.

In his writing, Daniel Thompson explores the consequences of certain religious ideas, especially predicting the end of the world. He enjoys exploring old ideas in a fresh context.

Read more about Daniel Thompson and his work

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